Those day I use to be a "lepak queen" for most of my time usually I spend with all my friends but now it was different when time changes people are sometime often changes too cause now I prefer myself to stay in spending time with my little sis rather than go wasting my time wandering outside.
I'm a friendly type of person I’m a friend to everyone but that doesn’t mean I’m everyone’s friend right? cause now it was different I make friend only with a selection people to those whom I can trust and I can really called a “true friend” not a “maskwearer” who only using me for their own benefits and take advantage on my kindness and good nature they never truly been there for me as a friend or someone who cares even though there is nothing that they can do but at least try to show a little compassion for it will mean more than anything else but sadly they appear to me only when they needed my help or when they want something from me ie: borrow money.
Common I’m not an ATM machine and I’m not a rich person as well and the money I have doesn’t dropped down from the sky, what makes me pissed is they know how to come to us and then lend from us “tapi masa nak bayar tu susah sangat nak detect diorang ni kat mana call HP tak dapat , SMS tak reply tanya kawan lain kata kawan tak tau itu hal bukan saya punya so tak mau masuk campur kalau pinjam rm200 it’s fine dia tak bayar pun takpe tapi kalau dah sampai rm20,000 siapa yang tak marah kan..? Although I know that I don’t have much for myself but I still try to help them people by giving what I can only afford to give because that’s what friends are for right? helping each other “ tak baik kedekut-kedekut”.
But when it come to paying back time they give you a thousand excuses or millions reasons just to avoid themsleves from you for instance they will tell you this OH.. I'm sorry I cant pay you now cause I don’t have anything left in my wallets la -la -la blah blah and all those nonsense and unacceptable reasons and lies padahal baru lepas shopping sakan semalam are those people qualified to called a friend? cause to me it is better to have none than to have a millions but none of them are true to us.
As I always taught this to myself almost everyday ever-since I was still a kid that even how good we are sometime it's still wasn’t enough to proved that we are a good people in their eyes. For many of these people they just never had enough no matter how you try to please them with this and that and all but still they will ask for more “like a pepsi for more iklan jap”.
I use to treat everyone nicely even to those who ill-treated me I will still treat them in a kindest way. I treat everybody equally with manners and also respect that they deserve I’ll never talk behind at others back “itu bukan perangai saya no..no..no way to happen!!”. It’s not who i am I don’t like backstabbing others there is much more useful things I could do with myself to occupied my time rather than wasting all my energy and time by interfering others people private life.
“Lagipun aku bukan seorang yang sentiasa free untuk buat semua tu masalah diri sendiri pun tak habis - habis datang menyerang macam peluru berpandu jika di teruskan langkah ke depan ada pulak musuh yang menghadang dan mahu lari kemanapun seolah - olah aku tak bisa apatah lagi jaga tepi kain orang lain kan?”
Well first of all I’m not a pretenders and I really don’t know how to act in front of people maybe it is because I don’t fake my feelings that’s why and second thing is I hate pretenders so damn much seriously, “ aku lebih rela di hina dan di keji depan mata daripada di puji masa berhadapan tapi bila dah pandang belakang lain jadinya sungguh menyedihkan bila berada dalam situasi sebegini” bab kata pepatah orang dulu – dulu jangan kerana mulut badan binasa "dik'' so fikir lah dulu sebelum berbicara. Try using your head to think not your blardy knees and make yourself useful what's the point of having a brain if you don't know how to use it for the good sake? better be mere animals with no mind at all.
Some say a words that makes people happy but there are time they say those words that hurt our innocent feelings quite least they offended us. They thought it’s funny for them and they think it is just a joke cause they never think first before they speak what they are doing is actually wrong. Silence is golden but there is a limit on being patient so never play with a fire because it may burn your own selves there is no such paper could wrap a fire.
" Be my friend or Be my enemy the choices is YOURS "
my no –goes :
“Kalau cakap sampai mulut terkoyak sekalipun kalau orang tu rasa diri mereka ni betul takde maknanya lebih baik on laptop masuk blog and tulis kat blog apa yang kita rasa berbaloi juga sekurang – kurangnya ada juga yang baca dan faham perasaan kita”.
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