Their life's are filled with valuable things and luxury but not everyone's life is lucky some of them are suffering their life some are doing the illegal things and followed the wrong way to support their livings. Some are innocent who show their flesh to others to support their poor suspended family they actually innocent if they get some help they wont do it again everything nothing except love. Showing their flesh not a divine thing unless share it with the one they love in a legal way but some of those lucky one never appreciated what they have in life until when they wake up the next day everything has gone. If we're lucky enough to do well we may make it today would be better than yesterday.
If i only had a little humility I be perfect but i am not aren't we? cause to me "Nothing is perfect everything has its own defect." We would never know what we were looking for until we itself go and look for it!!
My word of wisdom I don’t mean any offend I’m just sharing some thought..