Case study:
I'll (you) hurt (me) you
I'll (you) make (me) you cry,
I'll (you) never care and
I'll (you) never wanna try to understand you (me)
to know (me) you..
Feel the way (I) you do
Through your (my) heart and
through your (my) soul
I've (you) do nothing than judge yourself
(myself) in the other way and take
(me) you for granted
I'm (you're) not suppossed to left
(me) you All alone the moment and time
when (I) you needed me (you) the most
When all that (I) you need is for someone
that you (I) could lean your
(my) head on Hold you
(me) tight and tell you
(me) that not to worry so much my baby sweetheart
--Don't be afraid as long as i'm with you
everything will be alright..--
But i'll (you'll) never been there for you
(me) I (you) should've love you,
(me) instead of doing all those things that
i'm (you're) not suppossed too..
(you're) I'm stupid!!
(you're) I'm dumb!!
(you're) I'm hopeless!!
(you're) I'm useless!!
(you're) I'm coward for I
(you'll) do nothing than just letting (me) you suffer
(you'll ) I'll never been there to stand for you (me)
(you'll) I'll never been there to defend you (me)
And to fight for our loved
(you'll) I've do nothing than just putting all the blamed on you (me)
(you'll) I realized that what i've (you) do is wrong..
--When everything is seem's too late
to turned back each moment and each time that
we've been through together--
(you'll) I've do nothing than hurt you (me)
Cause I (you) dont give a damn not even a single
freakin' care about you (me)..
(you're) I'm stupid!!
(you're) I'm dumb!!
(you're) I'm hopeless!!
(you're) I'm useless!!
(you're) I'm cruel for being so selfish
(I) you love me with all your (my) heart,
And with everything that you (I) have
(I) You always care
(I) You always be there
Through vain and through pain
Through happy and sad
you (I) we're always be there
Whenever I (you) call your (my) name,
(I) you was there come running and,
(I'll) keep me (you) warmth with your (my) love,
And tender loving touched
And there's no one in mylife (yourlife)
will ever love me (you) like (I) you do
There is no other, there is no other than you (me)
I (you) should've love you, (me) instead of doing
all those thing that i'm (you) not supposed too..
(you're) I'm stupid!!
(you're) I'm dumb!!
(you're) I'm hopeless!!
(you're) I'm useless!!
(you're) I'm coward for I (you) do nothing
than just letting you (me) suffer
(you'll ) I'll never stand for you (me)
(you'll) I'll never defend you (me) and,
(you'll) I'll never fight for you (me)
I've (you'll) do nothing than just putting all the blamed on you (me)
And now I (you) realized, that everything I (you) do was wrong..
--When everything is seem's too late and impossible
to turned back each moment, and each time that
we've been through together--
(you're) I'm stupid!!
(you're) I'm dumb!!
(you're) I'm hopeless!!
(you're) I'm useless!!
(you're) I'm coward!!
(you're) I'm cruel!!
(you're) I'm idiot!!
(you're) I'm fool!!
For hurting you (me)
and for breaking your (my) heart
Cause no matter what I (you) do to forget you (me)
or take it as you (I) never exist in mylife (yourlife)
But I (you) just can't!!
I (you) just can't!!
--And If somewhere someday i'll see you again i make sure one thing that my leg and hand will stick on your face cause you've owe me a tight slapped!!--
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