She don’t know how and where do they start all that she wanted to say is everybody had a dream in their life but not all what we want we've get some are come true and some are not and her's one and only dream is related with love for someone to prove how he really mean into her life.
She really treasure their relationship cause he is apart of her life how she'd love to see him everyday and how he used the good in every way cause he and only he could stole her heart. What most hurting her is when knowing that there's a huge wall standing between them they we’re separated by time and the distance. Somehow , that never change anything to her cause all that she wants is to make dreams come true.
But, sometime when thing never happened the way we want it when we almost there to grab it but then it just slipped from our life just like a quick-silver. Why, Over again this word are often playing on her mind but she couldn’t find any answer. Why love can turn someone into worry and fear. She has been thinking about it since the thing happened she left to reply him.
They say life is unfair yes it's true and she do believe that sometime life can be so unfair to us but never about someone saying that life is unfaithful life is a game like hide-and-seeking. She come to realize and trying to figure out some reasons she’d make her guess but still she want to listen some truth from him to convince him not to worried anything cause whatever he say it would be acceptable.
Where as they know that there is REALITY and FATE.
She don't know how far they can go and hide from reality when truth is revealed and all the things whatsover it would do to him even so to her, it makes them worry and fear to know what would happened then when faith are agains't the will they’ve might end up in a hatred way frustrated and feeling depressed.
She couldn't count all on love to find it ways and embrace their heart how fortune if she could turn dreams into reality. Cause he and only he could painted a smile on her face he and only he filled her empty life with laughter's and spoil her with lot’s of love.
All that she wan’t is a sincerity on love and to make dreams come true.
‘'Till the shiny day dreaming of Paradise...'’