Every morning as I wake up from sleep I open my eyes and take a deep breathe and close my eyes again and open wide the first thing that i would do is feel grateful and thankful to god for what I have yesterday is a great things to keep in memory and to remember that whenever I felt down and alone all I have to do is re-called back every wonderful moment’s in my life and taught myself that if I fall i will not stumble I must held high and stay strong to keep my two feet back on the ground and never ever give up though at times life’s not always smoothe, I make a wish and whisper it inside my heart that hopefully in every ways and every day in my life will always begin with a smile and remain wonderful like a sunshine’s and colorful as the rainbow.
Every morning as I get up from the bed I’ll walked to the balcony I open the window and looked at the skies then realize one thing about how magnificent and beautiful is the world if all people are start living their lives with a little smile and peacefully not fighting and insulting, not hurting and judging one another by their own standards and then they start telling everyone that the world is a darkest place, try imagined all this? was there anything wrong to live the life we want with no wars only peace because everyone is deserved to live happily without nothing to worry.
Every morning as I’ve done taking my bath I would think of what to wear, grab the hairdryer and dry my hair and dress myself with lovely and fancy dresses I have and looked into the mirrors and say's “ the girl I saw in the mirror she is now grown up she must be matured and have self-confidence to think positives and that she must love herself and feel good about what she have and always believe in herself that she will be great someday and always remember to keep in mind that nobody’s perfect everything has it’s own defect.”
Every morning as I finish cleaning up everything I take a cuppa’ coffee and slowly reached my hand onto my blackberry and scroll to the inbox and smile with full of joy while reading a lovely messages written so dearly and then scroll down the keypad and look at the senders name showing on the screen and smile at once that every morning messages and all those wishful greeting’s I received mostly are sent by him from my dearest soul the love of my life and feel so much happy that every morning I waked up I think of him and expect for a nothing else in returned than knowing that every morning he wake's up his thinking of me too whenever and everytime I think of him.
“What most important of all that every morning and day in my life is shiny and bright!!”
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