I was googling around just now searching for a wallpapers then suddenly I saw this link CLICK HERE to view it, I saw somebody posted my poem there at first I thought she copy my poem and posted it at that site so I look around and see and read what the forum is all about they are actually reciting a poem for a mothers day dedication. So, I click on this link CLICK HERE TO LISTEN she was telling her feelings while reading my poem she recite it carefully with her soft voices I feel so touched!!
Thank you for reciting my poem Bianca the swan I deeply appreciate it!!
6 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
that is sweet!
Small Kucing: yup.. me also dont know what take me to that site haha..first time sesat sana tau hehe!!
Sayang abg so proved of you mcm abg cakap kat sayang abg pun feel so touching bila baca entry sayang pasal mother day. terbaik terbaik terbaik.muaahhhhhh
Rose mmg dah kata...mello mmg Hebat!!! Hehehe
Hun: really? hehe thanks for the compliment's :P im lovin it!
rose : OMG i'm blushing now..thanks again..and again for the compliments haha...sukanya i dah merah pipi ni..
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