Hello friends, readers and to all my followerjust to let you all now that my blog which is formally known
as zaarahjasmin.blogspot.com is now change towww.zaarahjasmin.com finally! I got my own domain for this blog. =D
Yeah, blog mars mello dah ada domain sendiri baru tadi dapat conformation email
dari EMERGE system tempat yang mars mello apply domain. GOOD SERVICE AND FAST.
13 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
Yes! Finally!!! Finally mello ada domain sendiri hehehe (^__^) Hosting sendiri ke?
rose: domain aje yg mello tukar hehe lain kali baru pakai hosting sendiri =D nak cuba WP punya hosting madam rose..
sayang abg happy sbb now sayang dah ada domain sendiri
Owh, rose saje je tanya sama ada mello guna hosting sendiri atau blogspot cez klu tuto tukar icon tuh utk wp mmg rose x pndai..hehe...utk blogspot rose tau..hehe..
Rose dh buat tuto utk mello tukar icon tuh... =)
thanks for the tuto rose ..sorry for the late reply mello baru aje dapat online smlm busy huhu..nanti mello cuba tuto ni ya thanks again !!! =)
hun: thanks to you too sbb bawa i pergi emerge tu hehehe happy nya
Lajunya mello tukar...hehehe...cool!
rose: aha mello pilih icon tu dulu hahaha malam ni mello nak search lagi icon - icon lain banyak giler icon kat sana hahaha hari hari boleh tukur kalau rajin hehe thanks rose
byk kan? hehehe...mmg comel-comel icon kat sana tuh...hihihi... rajinnya mello nk tukar hari-hari... :D
~gud nite mello...sweet dreams too...ZzzzZ..~
rose: mello nak tidur now penat satu hari berjalan hehe nite rose..
happy r leh loncat2.....hihihihi.....
sue amaira: mesti lah happy yayy!!!
i tink i noe u laa.... :)
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