of all I wanna say thank you very much for Inviting me to join your contest
weeks ago but due to I was so buzzy like
a bee and I didn't have a time to online and because of that I wasn't be able
to review your picture gallery but for now I'm in ya? I already have my
picked that I can give a comment (maklumlah mello baru balik dari
melawat rumah chybee he he).
to your banner questions : Do you care enough?
is my answer : Yes I am and I do care enough to join this contest for I'm very
much interested in your photography and your pictures cause you have a skills
and also creative and you don't depend 100% on PS editing to make the pictures
look good.
I love the originality of your photo shoots cause you're not faking it I also admire some of your ideas of directing your own imaginative theme concept making the photo look more unique and a rare type of photo. But that doesn't mean I dislike edited picture I do like them too!! specially those photo that show some ARTS and tell a thousand emotions although it's only a picture.
Here's my picked..
At the end of road; There is a shiny day :)

Landscape portraits: That speak a thousand's emotions
It's kinda express the feelings of someone who is living all alone far far far away from home
This is it chybee, he he I already picked this two pictures takpe kan?
For those who would like to join this contest search this blog the last day of this contest is on 26 MAY so hurry up! else you will missed the chances to participate.
For those who would like to join this contest search this blog the last day of this contest is on 26 MAY so hurry up! else you will missed the chances to participate.
10 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
dah vote adik tuk digi :D
Thanks kak fareha :)
Good Luck Mello =)
rose: yeah kalau ikut kan selepas review semua pic kat gallery chybee ada banyak lagi pic yg nak di comment haha..tapi pic atas tu antara peserta contest tak ambik so , mello pilih tu aje la.. =D thanks for the good luck wish!
Semoga berjaya sayang abg akan selalu di sisi dgn sokongan yang tak berbelah bagi....
hun: thanks for the good luck wish ya =D sweetdreams for now sleep tite my huggy huggy goo goo pumpkin..
thanks for joining dear! the first photo is one of my favourite too. heehee...
chybee: really? awwhh we have same favorite he he he i love the shiny day and your photo concept.. =D
congratulation! :)
email me for further details okayh:
thanks chybee..hehehe wow did i win anything? i thought i didnt haha
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