I think this was the most crazy weekend I have ever why? cause me and my hun did the most crazy thing again is watching movie back to back and this time we watch three movies at the same time? crazy huh? yeah first we watch thor, and then insidous and the last movie we've both watch is fast and the furious!! Damn all this three movies really rock my weeked ROFL.

Synopsis: The powerful but arrogant warrior Thor is cast out of the
fantastic realm of Asgard and sent to live amongst humans on Earth,
where he soon becomes one of their finest defenders.
Here's come thor the god of the thunder I rate this movies 10/10
cause I love the romantic scene of this story he he.
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Wow! 3 movie sekaligus? erm erm erm...hebat tuh...hehehe =)
rose: aha' hahaha dulu 2 movie now 3 dah up..nanti jadi 4..awhhhh sakit belakang haha
mmg lah sakit...bukan skejap kat dlm cinema tuh...hahaha
rose: boleh buat rumah no. 2 cinema tu.. yg lucunya mello order waffle tapi waffle mello tak sampai yg sampai coffee ganjil betul!! hahaha rupanya waffle mello dah sampai kat tempat lain..org tu pun satu bukan order dia tapi dia makan terus.. rofl
bila movie habis , lajunya diorang cabut!! tak sempat mello nak tgk muka org yg makan waffle mello tu!!
Salute you...the most i did was back to back 2 movies
small kucing: he he my backbone also pain..haha
Dorang takutlah tuh...hehehe..takut cez dah habiskan waffle mello tuh...hehehe
rose: diorang malu kot mello nampak muka diorang ahahaha..
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