Rawrrrrrr...!! It's been so long since I've last updated my blog, I gezz It's been a week huh? or more than that? well you must've wondering where I have been missing for the past few days I leave my blog unattended. I was sick yeah..fever, headache and yada yada all seem's to attack me again and thanked god today I'm feeling much better.
OH, ya rasanya dah lama tak update pasal makan kan? he he he alright hari ni mars mello nak share lokasi tempat makan yang mars mello selalu pergi restoran ni teletak kat one utama damansara level 2, restoran paranakan kat sini banyak makanan yang best-best kalau tak percaya you all cuba lah makan kat restoran ni, guarantee korang akan datang lagi!!
Some list of menu that I will asked from the waiter whenever i come to this place
Fish cake and ladies finger my sis love this sooo much!!
Beef fried rice for my lil sis erica he he he

Asam pedas fish and Prawns omelette's egg I love this!!
Kerabu chicken feet nyummy!!

And not to foget the shezuan soup!! it's mama lynn favorite wanna know a secret?
she can finish the whole bowl alone ROFL
she can finish the whole bowl alone ROFL
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