My favorite Macaroni salad I love this so, so, so much....
** Ingredients**
- Macaroni pasta
- Fruit coctail
- F&N Sweet Milk
- Nestle cream
- Mayonaise
** How to made this**
It's so easy first of all you have to cook the macaroni pasta in a hot boiled water add little oil and salt on it, just a little only okay? and then wait at least for 15minutes.Recommended: Eat it when it's cold it's delicious!! Good Luck =DWhen it is finally cooked pour out the water and then put your macaroni on a clean empty tupperware okay? now you can add the following ingredients like mayonaise, fruit cocktail (remember only the fruits ya, don't add the juice) and then add the rest of the ingredients and don't forget to add milk depends on how sweet you want it to be if you like sweet add more milk if not just as nice then. It's done!!! lastly put your macaroni salad on the refrigerator.
8 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
eh looks very yummy la...wah..made so much for your hunny leh?
small kucing: hahaha yup made for my hun, sis, mama lynn, and my youngest sis.. and lastly for me leh..
cause thats my favorite :D
Hurm...tgh2 mlm tgk salad ni rasa nk mkn pula...hehehe
rose: sorry mello buat rose lapar..heheh actually mello pun tgh lapar tapi rasa macam malas nak bangun cari makanan kat dapur nanti kucing mello nak ikut juga makan hahaha.. now meow mello tgh tidur atas katil mello.. macam boss betul..
btw rose pernah makan macaroni tak? kalau tak pernah rose cuba la buat sedap tau!!
rose pernah buat macaroni salad ni hurm klu tak silap last year & nk tahu apa mama rose kata? dia kata kureng sedapp...hahaha mama kata jiran sebelah punya salad lagi sedap! sedih... :( hahaha
manjanye meow mello tuh...klu rose tak berani mungkin cez takut meow!!! hahaha =)
rose: btw rose ada letak nestle cream tak masa buat? kalau letak nestle cream sedap macam ada vanilla ice cream walaupun salad tu tak letak ice cream pun hehehe.. i think mom rose saje nak gurau2 dengan rose la tu hehehe..
meow mello memang manja sgt ke mana mello pergi dia asyik follow aje tidur pun kena pakai kan dia selimut baru dia tidur rofl.. nak tahu rahsia tak?
meow mello ni pandai kejut mello, kalau dia nak kencing atau nak melabur ke bank dia akan kejut mello sampai mello bangun haha mello buka pintu kasi dia keluar dia masuk toilet tau!!
A'a..sedangkan rose rasa ok je..tiba2 kena comment oleh tuan besar...hahahah
amboi...siap pakai selimut? nk tengok sgtlah meow mcm tuh...hehehe... masuk toilet juga ke? mmg manja betul...
rose: OOoo tuan besar rose nak puji rose cara opposite tu, dia kata tak sedap ka? what your mom mean is salad tu sedap, salad jiran tu tak sedap langsung hahaha
nanti mello post pic meow mello tengah tidur peluk remote control astro and pakai selimut hahaha..
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