I actually
don’t know what this crazy dumb human being want from me and why this bloody
person keep on giving me headaches with all the annoying text at my blog
shoutbox, I mean common what is wrong with you?
Stop sending me your lame messages showing how much do you care and yada yada and then hiding your true identity as an anonymous everytime you posted those stupid text at my shoutbox!
Halo!! Are you for real man? Please, stop your lame tactics cause only a brainless people with no mind will give you back an helpless attention.
Are you trying to cause a trouble with me? Because honestly telling you the truth I don’t care who the heck you are and from which planet you came from I’m not gonna let you simply step on my head!!
WHY you doing this to me mr.coward? I guess you eat too much of cow that’s why you behaving like a retards! If you’re really are a man you wont hide your true self behind the name which is not even YOU!!! But you’re just a coward you don’t even have a guts to show who you really are.
Put this inside your brainless bloody mind! I’m not that type of person that you can easily fooled I could turn into your very worst nightmares damn you.
You will regret even knowing me! Don’t make me cursed YOU!!
Stop sending me your lame messages showing how much do you care and yada yada and then hiding your true identity as an anonymous everytime you posted those stupid text at my shoutbox!
Halo!! Are you for real man? Please, stop your lame tactics cause only a brainless people with no mind will give you back an helpless attention.
Are you trying to cause a trouble with me? Because honestly telling you the truth I don’t care who the heck you are and from which planet you came from I’m not gonna let you simply step on my head!!
WHY you doing this to me mr.coward? I guess you eat too much of cow that’s why you behaving like a retards! If you’re really are a man you wont hide your true self behind the name which is not even YOU!!! But you’re just a coward you don’t even have a guts to show who you really are.
Put this inside your brainless bloody mind! I’m not that type of person that you can easily fooled I could turn into your very worst nightmares damn you.
You will regret even knowing me! Don’t make me cursed YOU!!
9 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
eh, kenapa ni? apa kes?
rose: dia mengancau lagi kat blog mars mello yg satu lagi tu
dia? org yg sama ke? blog mello yg satu lagi? yg mana? (hehehe...sorry, byk tanya pula..kalah police..khikhikhi)
rose: blog mello kat maxis..dah lama mello ada blog tu since 2005 :) rose boleh click kat icon mblog kat sidebar mello, terus boleh tembus kat blog tu :D
actually mello dont like to lie ahaha mello ada banyak blog maybe dalam minimum 8blog kat site yang sama..
and mello dah penat nak jaga so mello biar kan aje..mello pun dah lupa id blog2 tu lucu tak?
now mello nak active kan blog ni aje. ROFL
rose: actually guest ni ada dua orang.. yang si A ni dia lah yg mengacau dulu kat blog ni, bila si B nampak ada guest A ni buat kacau kat sini..si B ni pun dia mengacau la juga ... konon nak buat mello confuse and pening sbb guest kan nak tahu siapa orang ni sebenarnya susah lah nak detect unless orang tu berani letak nama dia, tapi mello dah tahu dah siapa yang mengacau kat blog mello yg satu lagi tu..
hurm, sampai 8 blog? hehehe..byk tuh? penat nak jaga byk2 kan? hehehe...
diorang ni tak serik2 ke nak kacau org? ntah apa yg org tuh dpt erk?...
rose: actually banyk sangat blog sampai lupa dah login acc hahaha..setiap satu blog tu, topic n subject tak sama :) sbb tu jadi banyak mello tak nak mixed.. kat blog ni aje yg mixed up and blog yg satu lagi tu.. ROFL and kat blog ni juga ada pic mello n blog lagi satu.. yg lain semua plain.. :D
rose ada berapa blog? mesti ada banyak juga ni kan HA HA
ha tuh la pasal...byk sgt blog sampai lupa username & pssword...hehehe...sama lah..rose pon mcm tuh juga dulu...b4 nie rose ada 3 blog tapi tak larat nk jaga dah...just focus utk yg 1 ni jer..hehehe
rose: hehehe yup ,main blog ni boleh jadi penat juga rofl
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