I love Nippon paint because It Paint colors to my room!!

I love Nippon paint because It changes my gloomy colors room into a beautiful shiny and dreamy colors that would made my everyday meaningful each time I looked into it.
I love Nippon paint because mirror, mirror on the wall once told me that Nippon paint is the expert of them all, I love Nippon paint because Nippon paint make my dreams happen.
I love Nippon paint like my home sweet home!!

Check it out on Nippon Paint Blobbies
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Common let's join this contest CLICK HERE TO JOIN!! http://www.nuffnang.com.my/blog/2011/05/19/nippon-paint/
11 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
Good luck, want to particpate to.. but so lazy to take pictures..
hazey: thank you :D
Hi mello...lama x singgah sini...hehehe...rose bz giler yala cez dpt kerja baru kan...dah tuh balik x boleh on time... smpai rumah penat pula...sampai blog sdiri pon dah bersawang dah...hurm... mello dah sihat?
Mello join nuffnang contest erk? hehehe...cantik bilik? hehehe... anyway... good luck to you! Harap kali ni pon mello menag juga. AMIN. =)
canteknyer umah mello..umah kita berselerak manjang :)
Mello!!! Happy Birthday girl!!! May ALLAH bless you with luv & care. Enjoy every moment, every day of ur life. Happy Birthday... (^_^)
rose: mello dah ok sikit tapi kadang tu headache come and goes.. :D tu lah mello ingat rose pulak yg tak sihat rupanya rose busy sebab ada kerja hehe
rose: yup join contest nuffnang..wish me luck ya :D cantik ke bilik?? haha thanks :P
tinie: hehe cantik ke? thanks :D
awwww......so nice ler your room
small kucing: thanks..hehehe full of doraemon stuff :D
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