Good evening blogger's, followers and silent readers!! Does any of you recognize the banner above this entry? I bet you all know what is it right? Nuffnang is asia's first blog advertising community and I think I do not need to explain it here cause most poeple already knew about it.
Well just incase if anyone of you who still don't know about nuffnang I'll explained it here so the next time you don't need to wonder about what is it. Nuffnang is an online blog advertising community, with over 118,817
bloggers spanning across Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Australia.
Nuffnang had a total of 5,110,861,010 number of ad impressions served
on the entire Nuffnang network just in the year 2009 itself .
You've might seen this banner everywhere all around the website because there are many people who registered to nuffnang ads for their blog and also website they advertise it because it gives back something to us In return which is you earn money per every clicks!! It's awesome isn't?
But ever since I start adverstising nuffnang ads In my blogs I didn't earn that much ha..ha..ha funny no? the reason Is i don't really know how this thing work and just now minutes ago I sign in to my nuffnang account and surf around I read the T&C and at the same time check the earnings I have guess what? I've only got rm3.25 better than nothing! Thanks anyway to nuffnang
Mars mello ada satu soalan sponsored post ni untuk apa ya? bila mars mello click kat sana dia ada tulis sponsered post details and suruh fill in dan kemudian submit permalink..But as I say I don't know anything about it? anyone can assist me here? thanks in advance!!
17 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
sponsored post? yg mana satu?
roseL nampak tak text sponsored post kat atas campaigns tu? kat ats dia tu dekat sebelah yg getting started hahaha.. mello tak tahu la kenapa ada benda tu dulu takde
lupa pula... wah background baru tuh...nice! bertambah ceria dah blog mello ni...=)
rose: really? thanks mello dah penat tgk awan kat blog mello hahaha tu yg tukar tu.. :D color n plain.. simple background
rose dah jumpa dah sponsored post tuh...tapi kat mana yg dia suruh fill in then sumbit permalink?
~mello popular dekat blog rose...ada org cari ttg mello kat blog rose =P http://rosejohari.com/2011/06/ini-blog-sinetron-ke/
owh ya...kalau mello nak print screen mello boleh guna & download software duclink screen capture =)
rose: thanks for the info he he mello tak confuse lagi pasal sponsored post tu lagi, rose dah explain..semalam mello pun ada hantat feedback questions kat nuffnang baru tadi dia jawap :D
now ada soalan lain plk macam mana nak ducklink screen captured haha mello tak tahu :P
mello dah download?
rose: belum lagi tak tahu nak buat macam mana..malu mello nak cakap hahaha
software tuh utk capture apa2 dekat web/blog. mcm gmbr nuff mello tadi mello captured guna camera/hp ke? klu guna software lagi senang =)
rose: tadi captured pakai camera nanti mello cyba download tapi tak tahu la kalu software tu boleh support mac ni.. macbook sudah nak dapat software kecuali beli kat kedai dia :D
rasanya boleh...sofware tuh dia support macbook juga... try download kat sini
pilih yg 2nd - DuckCapture on Mac =)
rose: kalau boleh bagus juga tu haha senang sikit kerja mengupdate mello :P thanks mello cuba download kalau tak boleh mello bagi tahu rose..thx!!!
Hi mello... dah lunch? dapat guna tak software tuh?
rose: mello belum download lagi, just wake up actually sick again.. :(
Morning Mello... rose singgah jenguk awal pagi b4 g kerja hehehe... sakit lagi? oh god... rajin2 mkn ubat & hope mello tak sakit time ur bday nnt...tak lama lagi tuh... =)
rose: i'm feeling slightly better now thanks for the concern :D
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