From morning until night ,
may your birthday will be bright
and nicer than ever before.
And as years come and go
may your happiness grow
and your dreams be fulfilled even more.
Happy 25th birthday to me Dear, god lighten up my life please..
From morning until night ,
may your birthday will be bright
and nicer than ever before.
And as years come and go
may your happiness grow
and your dreams be fulfilled even more.
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16 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
Mello!!! Happy Birthday girl!!! May ALLAH bless you with luv & care. Enjoy every moment, every day of ur life. Happy Birthday... (^_^) (rose copy paste comment kat post bawah tadi...hehehe)
Celebrate kat mana nnt? hehehe =p
rose: nanti mello upload gambar ehehe,, just at KL only bday terkena pada time (busy)and ada hal yang penting kena buat pada hari yang sama :D
anyhow thanks so much for the birthday wishes!!
owh ya ke...hehehe...ok2..nnt jgn lupa upload... x tgk finale AF mlm?
rose: rasanya tak kort mesti ramai org tgk sebab masuk free :D hehehe..rose tgk AF tak malam ni?
nanti mello upload pics untuk rose ya :D
owh...tiket free ke? eeee....bestnya... Mestilah tgk...tapi tgk kat tv je...hehehe...
rose: tak tahu ke pasal masuk percuma tu? hehehe kat astro mello dapat tau masa tgk kenangan AFnil semalam.. hari tu mello pergi kat AON complex tu..ramainya org tgk AF kat rumah kaca tu hehe mello pergi sana beli grocery things :P
owh mcm tuh. rose x tahu hehehe cez smlm tak tgk kenangan Afnil tapi tgk bola hehehe... tentu ramai mlm ni kan? bestnya mello pergi rumah kaca tuh... nmpk azri tak? hihihi
rose: kalau nak mello post gambar diorang kat blog ni hahaha..
nampak diorang semua..nanti mello post pic diroang ya..:D
nak nak nak... (style ipin) hehehe..bestnya...
rose: okay nanti mello upload kat sini..pics AF kat rumah kaca for rose ya..
mello besarkan pic azri :P untuk rose.
heppy befday sis commel :)
aliana azman: thanks for the wishes cutie !! :D
Happy birthday Mello. :D
thank u :) for the wishes ya'll
happy belated birthday :)
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