This afternoon myhun called me, he told me that my parcel is already with him he he.. Rasa happy sangat atlast sampai juga parcel ni, supposed to be this parcel dah hand over kat I tapi secretary kat office tu buat hal pulak! ughh.. parcel dah sampai pun tak inform argggh geramnya ROFL.
Tapi alhamdullilah I've got it now.. Thanks chybeelila comel sangat magnet ni..
Tapi alhamdullilah I've got it now.. Thanks chybeelila comel sangat magnet ni..

Opp's hampir lupa nak letak gambar pin I ♥ London!!
2 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
you're welcome dear~ nasib baik sampai
chybee: yup nasib baik tak hilang kalau tak sedihnya hehe
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