Monday, February 14, 2011

Our love story - Love notes

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Take a deep breath and close
your eyes then tell me
what do you see do you see me? 

Cause that’s what I do when
I’m alone I close my eyes
and select what I see I'll try
to imagined the thing's that
i've always want it to be
although I know that those thing's
are only exist in my fantasy
but all that I've want is to make
them come true

You know when you we’re a kid
do you believe in  fairytales?
A love tales story which every
girl's always dream about specially
the part where the princess
found her belove'd prince
and that the two of them
will finally be together live'd happily
ever and after

But sadly those such thing's
has  never get to  happened
in real life and when we're talking
about reality a word’s happy
is doesn’t seem'd  to exist
in the vocabulary of my life

As I almost stop believing in love
for true love are no longer exist
in this world

There was a time I'm all alone
I was sitting next to the window
of my bedroom I look deep into the sky
and then I saw one bright star
as it seem’s shining over me

I asked the sky, why  do star’s
shining so bright tonight?
could it possibly because someone
out there perhap’s is also looking
at the same bright star?

So I asked the sky again is there
even any possibility that a two
person from the two different
side of world would found love
in each other?

Who know’s there is a biggest
chances that they both
we're mean't to be together

Then one day as I met you
out there in a one summer
for hours we sat and talked
to each other like old friends
we were I remember funny
that I could find love
in a perfect stranger

We’re both are just like a young
and inlove teenager sharing each
other’s honestly feelings

And I've tell this to myself
knowing you in my life is like
a dreams  that come true to me

I’ve thanked god for everything
and for making my wish come true
as I’ve already found someone
that I could called a special lover

All i can say is I felt  like I am the most
happy person on this earth
as now you and I could share
each and every precious
moment together

Sweetheart, I want you to know
this I just wanna spend mylife
with you cause you are the one
that makes me smile I just wanna
spend mylife with you

You are my dream my love my life..

 "Two lover's born into this life
        each born alone half of a whole"

Dream Beach

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I can only Imagine our very first hug
it would be an early walk at dream beach
the cold fresh air are blowing over us
from across the sea

You say oh my darling this place is beautiful
after that we picked up some shell
that tide left behind and at one such moment
the wind would play through your hair
and freeze its beauty in my mind forever

Then at one moment I heard you
calling me to go to you
come and check this one darling!

And in your hand would be a shell
as our eyes would meet and little
smile for what we share slowly
I close your hand with shell inside
your fingers are hiding it from the sea
then I say now make a wish my angel

After that you make a wish and wish
for a hug a big, big hug from your hero
and just want to feel it the way
you had always imagine it to be
with your heart beating faster
and say please, please my prince darling
just this time I want you close

Then for no reason the cold sea wind
stop it’s hold your skin and you feel
someone close, very close to your skin
you can feel the warmth radiating
and lovely smell of someone skin

And draw it in to make you warm
on inside too then you say please don’t let go!
hug’s me hug’s me forever and ever
then lift your feet from the ground
so tight I  hold yeah and then the two of  us
just melt for love and kiss..

Sunday, February 13, 2011

whatever ZOMG

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Thought of the day

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Every success are based on good judgement.
Life is a game of chess and each moment form part of it. 
You have to be successful in every aspect of life, 
then you would move forward in life. 
You have to work when others sleep and one day you can sleep.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Cinta - DIA

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Petang itu seperti kebiasaan dia 
akan menghabiskan sisa - sisa masanya dipejabat sehinggalah dia dapat menyelesaikan kesemua tugasan-tugasan kerja yang perlu dia siapkan. Akan tetapi debaran hatinya masih belum
 berhenti lagi malah dia rasa debaran 
hatinya itu menjadi semakin kencang. 
Hmmm ada sesuatu yang tak kena ke?

Katanya sambil dia rasa tertanya-tanya pada dirinya---Ah' tensionnya!! kalau beginilah kehidupan tidak lama lagi dia akan sakit mental.

 Seriously hari - hari dia berdepan dengan 
macam-macam jenis masalah tak habis-habis dia yang selesaikan  problem masalah yang "old jimmy"wonder tinggalkan kat dia pun sudah menjadi salah satu daripada masalah hariannya belum termasuk lagi masalah dunia yang perlu dia hadapi kat luar sana.

AH!--aku benar-benar stressssssssed!!! Katanya 
dan dia penat memikirkannya ada baiknya jika dia cari suatu tempat untuk tenangkan fikiran dapat juga dia lepaskan segala rasa tension dan rasa serabut yang masih lagi tersimpan dalam kepalanya itu.. 

Tik..tik..tik jam berdetik dengan begitu pantas waktu sudah pun menunjukkan tibanya masa untuk dia melangkahkan kakinya keluar dari pejabat lagipun tugasan-tugasan kerja yang 
perlu dia siapkan kesemuanya sudah pun selesai..

Tidak lama kemudian telefon bimbitnya berbunyi,

 ‘’I got the feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night’’ hah! 

panggilan  dari azwan? 
Dia ni mesti nak ajak 
aku lepak kat kedai mamak ataupun 
nak suruh aku belanja makan..

Hello---- kata azwan salam azmi apa khabar hari ini?

azmi: sihat sihat aje..

azwan: kau free tak hari ni?
azmi:  kenapa bro? aku macam biasa petang petang macam ni memang aku free..
azwan:  aku ingat nak ajak lepak sama ni bro..

azmi:  lepak? kat mana? 
azwan:  tempat biasa yg kita lepak tu lah, 
actually aku nak kenalkan kau dengan someone ni ala’ budak yang kau pernah jumpa waktu kita lepak makan-makan kat klcc dulu..

azmi:  siapa pulak ni bro?
azwan:  dak yang pernah lepak dengan kita 
dulu tu..lah? ingat lagi tak?lagi pun aku rasa kau ni macam tak ada seorang pun kawan perempuan ntah ntah kau masih frust lagi ya? hehe..
azmi:  wei aku tak nak lah lepak dengan 
budak tu kau sendiri tahu kan style aku macam mana? walaupun aku takde seorang pun kawan perempuan 
bagiku itu semuanya tidak penting bro 
seriously aku tak kesah sangat pasal tu sebab aku lebih selesa dengan diriku yang sekarang..

azwan:  so macam mana? nak lepak tak?
 jom lah lepak sama-sama bro aku dah sampai keboring yang tahap maximum ni..

azmi:  bro kalau kau nak lepak jugak 
boleh tapi kau jangan bawak budak 
tu boleh tak? aku tak nak kalau ada perempuan ikut sama apa kata kali ni kita lepak just sesama kita? aku okay aje sebab aku rasa malam ni macam ada sesuatu yang bakal akan berlaku padaku haha..
ntah ntah aku akan bertemu dengan dream girl aku kot..

azwan:  lah’ bro kalau betul macam 
tu bagus juga sebab aku tengok engkau 
ni, dari dulu sampai sekarang, still the same masih lagi  frust dengan perempuan kot haha..

azmi:  wei bro sampai hati kutuk gua 
macam tu nanti kalau apa yang aku katakan 
tadi terjadi betul-betul hah’ jangan kata belanja makan kat kedai mamak belanja kat restoran 5 star pun boleh bro haha..

azwan: cool bro alright kalau macam tu kita 
jumpa kat tempat biasa okay salam 

kita jumpa kat sana nanti 
azmi: okey                                          

-----end of  call-----

Ah’ asyik aku aje kena belanja tapi itu 
semuanya tak penting what's most important is tonight aku dapat releasekan tension dan serabut-serabut yang ada kat dalam kepala aku nih.. Huhh pelik juga dari petang tadi aku
 rasa macam ada sesuatu yang akan berlaku 
kepada diriku ini, haihs apa-apa pun aku akan sabar menunggu dan aku  juga akan pastikan ianya adalah sesuatu yang telah lama aku nanti-nantikan..


Cinta - DIA

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Sesaat “DIA “ rasakan kebahagian yang dulu “DIA” tidak pernah dapatkan  adalah kata-kata indah yang sering terucap dari bibir mereka yang mungkin sedikit dan sebanyak dapat juga meringankan bebannya dan membuatnya lebih berharap pada hari indahnya.

Sejuta sayang telah “DIA” curahkan kepada mereka tanggapannya yang semakin buruk telah digantikan dengan kasih yang tulus dan perkataan indah itu juga telah membuatkan dirinya terhanyut sebentar dalam kebahagiaan yang telah lama di carinya dalam kehidupnya yang selama ini ibaratkan penuh dengan kegelapan.

Tetapi setelah “DIA” menganggap mereka sebahagian daripada hidupnya bermula pada saat itu juga semuanya pun berubah, bukan kerana ada sesuatu perkara yang menganggu fikirannya dan bukan juga itu yang membuat hancur hatinya.

Tetapi apa yang telah membuatnya berfikir terbalik tidak pernah terpikir olehnya mereka akan melakukan perkara sebegitu kepadanya untuk pertama kali dalam hidupnya “DIA” merasa amat tersiksa tanpa tersadar curahan air mata telah membanjiri wajahnya batinnya seperti dirobek-robek bila teringatkan apa yang pernah mereka katakan dulu padanya.

“DIA “ tidak punya hak untuk marah kerana itu kebebasan mereka untuk menyakiti hati setiap orang tetapi apa yang “DIA” mahukan hanya penjelasan dari mereka mengapa mereka sanggup untuk melakukan perkara sebegitu terhadap dirinya, seburuk itu kah dirinya?

“DIA” sedar bahawa semua itu juga kesilapan berpunca darinya, apakah kesalahannya itu terlalu besar bagi mereka?Akan tetapi mengapa, mengapa mereka tidak memberinya satu kesampatan untuk memperbaiki segala silapnya dan tanpa “DIA” ketahui kesilapan dirinya mereka telah menghianatinya. Oh, tuhan mampukah “DIA”..mampukah “DIA” untuk menyayangi insan lain seperti dulu “DIA” menyayangi mereka..


Kadang-kadang "DIA" rasa tertanya tanya pada dirinya mengapa dunia ini begitu kejam sekali terhadapnya? Di manakah kesilapan dirinya dan kesalahan apakah yang telah dia lakukan sehingga dia diperlakukan sebegitu kejam.

Seolah olah dirinya itu tidak mempunyai perasaan apakah yang harus dia lakukan untuk melupakan segala rasa marah yang sudah lama dia pendamkan kerana dia tidak mahu rasa kemarahan dan kebencian itu akan mengekori dirinya selama-lamanya walaupun tanpa dia mahu.

Dia hanya mampu berserah pada tuhan dan berdoa pada yang maha-esa agar diterangi jiwanya menuju keaarah yang benar "Ya, ALLAH ketemukanlah aku dengan insan yang mungkin bisa merubah kehidupanku" bisik hatinya dan tanpa dia sedarinya curahan airmata pun jatuh mengalir ke pipi.

Kerana semakin lama dia rasa hidup ini semakin tak nyata kehidupannya bagaikan mimpi - mimpi yang tidak pernah terbangunkan, dia sudah tidak mengerti lagi dengan apa ertinya itu kebahagiaan.

Dia juga mempunyai impian sama seperti insan yang lain dia mahu merasa gembira dan dia juga ingin merasa bagaimana rasanya bila diri dihargai dan dikasihi oleh kekasih akan tetapi apa yang dia ingin
kan selalunya tidak pernah kesampaian.

Lalu dia pun membawa diri ke suatu daerah untuk melepaskan segala rasa marah dan segala rasa sakit hati dan keperitan luka yang masih lagi terpendam didalam dirinya itu.

sana dia menanti akan sesuatu keajaiban yang mungkin akan berlaku dia menanti akan bakal hadirnya seorang insan yang dahulu hanya hadir di alam mimpi dan angan-angannya.

Dia menanti akan hadirnya seorang insan yang bisa mengubah dirinya, insan yang akan memberikannya cahaya insan yang akan menerangi kehidupannya yang selama ini dia rasa bagaikan hidup di dalam dunia yang penuh dengan kegelapan.

Mungkinkah dia akan bertemu dengan insan yang dia mimpi-mimpikan selama ini? apa yang mampu dia lakukan hanya berserah pada takdir dan menanti akan tibanya waktu yang dia nanti-nantikan di mana saat-saat itu mungkin adalah hari yang akan membawa penuh makna dalam hidupnya.

Di sini inginku imbas kembali saat dan tiap detik ketika itu..

Entah kenapa suatu petang itu dia rasa ada sesuatu yang tak kena dengan dirinya sekejap dia kehulu dan kejap lagi dia kehilir. Dia tidak ketentuan arah katanya Ah!!--kenapa dengan diriku ini? hatinya berdebar debar pantas dia rasa macam ada sesuatu yang akan berlaku tetapi apa dia? puas dia fikirkan dan kata grrhhh.. tension betul!! apa tidaknya debaran seperti inilah yang sering buatnya tak senang duduk diam mahu sahaja dia gigit jari jemarinya itu tetapi degupan jantungnya masih tidak terkawal ada juga baiknya jika dia buat sesuatu apa lagi yang dia akan lakukan ketika dia menghadapi saat-saat sebegini? seperti kebiasaan sedang dirinya dilanda rasa tension tunggu apa lagi dia melepaskan segala rasa geramnya terhadap dirinya sendiri lalu dia pun menggigit kuku dan jarinya sendiri dan di saat dia sedang sibuk melepaskan geram hati kecilnya itu pun berkata..

"Ahhhh..ganjil pun ganjillah tak ada sesiapapun yang akan kesah..."

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Camwhore kejap..

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This is me

Zombie girl is also me coz i'm zombified at night scarrrrrrrry!!!!! huh.. =D

what is this? i don't know HAHAHA..

From zombie face suddenly transform to geisha whatever LOL

Cosmic bowling midvalley

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Glow in the dark bowling best kan dapat main bowling kat sini he..he

Bergayaan korang ek, main bowling sampai tak ingat nak balik kan..

OH ya, nak tahu tak siapa yang menang game ni? 

korang boleh tanya mira sebab bola dia asyik masuk kat longkang aje ROFL!!


Friday, February 4, 2011

Chocolate Lounge ONE UTAMA damansara

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Another lovely place we've found here the "chocolate lounge" which located at 1 utama really love the atmosphere of this place it's very relaxing and if you are a chocolate lover come check out this place sometime!!

have a break and have a hot choco' mars mello!! he..he..

Food's all nice i love the chicken teriyaki sauce so fantabulous!!

And not to forget to all those who celebrate "tahun baru cina" gong xi fa cai may this year of the rabbit brings prosperity in our life and also good luck to all of us ya..and more money, money, money to come cause theres 15 days to collect more ang pow ha..ha..ha well chinese people believe that you must not use the ang pow right away when it given, should open the ang pow when the 15 days is over cause it bring you more money come not money goes.. hehe well is that true??

Thursday, February 3, 2011


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Oh... I'm sick these few day's no activity at all just laying myself in the bed and taking a rest feeling weak and tired some more nose stuck and running water!! heck it's hard to sleep at night when your nose is stuck, coughing and sore throat not just that i'm also having a fever.
Yesterday, went to clinic and the doctor give me some medicine for fever cough and etc DAMN, all sickness together come at once really really no mood now sob sob... =(

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It's your BIRTHDAY..

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Me and my besty forever..

It's karaoke time chillax!!

Singing birthday song for mira..

the wonder girl ha..ha..ha no body , no nody but YOU!!

The three of "US"

B-day girl cutting the cake awhhh

makan jangan tak makan tau!! habiskan ha..ha

phewitt who's that girl?

me and nur yatt

Happy birthday to you girl, may god always blessed you and many happy in returns.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

OH nana what's my name..

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It's my lil sis favorite song!! enjoy this video.. =D

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Akhirnya dapat juga mira hadiah dia yay!!

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Bergayaan betul si mira ni ha..ha..ha

welcome back to KL mira, siapa belikan ticket ni ek? ZOMG

Inilah hadiah mira Blackberry curve 8520 white color sukanya dia dapat hadiah
menang tanpa bertanding ha..ha.ha.. kat mana?? click here to read more .

My baby collections ha..ha..ha If i didn't break some of my phone everytime i get angry I have more than this and I guess can open a handphone shop already. LOL

Jangan lupa cakap thanks kat wakey -wakey !! =D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Justin bieber LIVE IN MALAYSIA 2011

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Justin bieber LIVE IN MALAYSIA APRIL 21 , 2011

Guess who's coming to malaysia??'s no other than justin bieber. At first I thought my hun didn't manage to buy the ticket coz he told me that all the ticket is sold out?? what the heck ha..ha.. then i was like ZOMG, and start grumbling blah blah to my hun cause he already promise me that we're gonna watch this concert together with my sister coz she really love justin bieber!! and surprisingly when we all back home my hun show the ticket to me LOL he really get me this time. HAHAHA well he just want to see how I reacted if he tell me that he didn't get to buy the ticket that's why he purposely said it so "surprise la sangat ek?"

Facebook is quitting?

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Got this link from some web check this out facebook is quitting on the 31st may?? true or not true well i don't know.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kitty say's : what are you looking at?

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That is actually not her food it's a sand for kitty to cover her pooop!!

the purple color is smell like a lavender and the pink one is smell like jasmine

but dont smell it when the poop is inside ha.ha..ha coz it will smell like *shi*t.
Clothes for baby kitty!!
and here is the out come tadaa!! my phat little shorty ROFL..
Nice spot's ha..ha..ha we didn't put her there me and my sis was watching TV suddenly when my sis searching for her, there she is sitting and staring at me and my sis LOL.


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Reasons why I Love You:
1) I Love how first time I look at you, coz you take my breath away.
2) I Love how I thank God everyday for bringing someone as wonderful as you into my life.
3) I Love the way I hold your hand so tight
4) I Love the way you never let my hands go
5) I Love the way you surprise me with the perfect gifts after we meet up that show you pay attention to me.
6) I Love the way you look at me.
7) I Love how beautiful your eyes are.
8) I Love the way you’re not embarrassed to call me sweet things in front of anyone.
9) I Love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you're right here with me.
10) I Love the fact that you want to be with me and only me.
11) I Love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.
12) I Love how I know you'll always be there when I need you to be.
13) I Love how you always beside me and giving me an encouragement when I have a problem
14) I Love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.
15) I Love the way I can't imagine a day without you in my life because your heart are too good to let down.
16) I Love the way your voice sounds over the phone.
17) I Love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet thing in my ear.
18) I Love the way you look after I say I love you.
19) I Love the way you can make my heart melt with your soft lips
20) I Love the way you kissing.
21) I Love the smile you give after I'm done kissing you.
22) I Love the way you play with my nose when I'm falling asleep ( Wakey – Wakey )
23) I Love the way you always put ME first before your friends.
24) I Love the way you inspire me with your thoughts and emotions.
25) I Love the way you love me with sincerity in your hearts and true love.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

You hold the key to my heart

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To know exactly what you want is one of the hard things to do in ones life, I do not know why all this things is seem happening to myself perhaps It is just another cycle of life, yeah that kind of feeling’s which you can’t even tell or predict, nor to understand what it is. At times we feel alive and there are time we felt lost like there is something that is still missing in our life but what could it be? I guess I am just too emotional person sometime and yeah I admit it myself.

Although I had everything that I want most in my life even not all actually just some specific things but still I am having this kind of feeling’s sigh. Ever since my godmother passed away six years ago many thing are changing especially me yes it’s always been me. I try to be happy but I can’t it’s not like I don’t want to be happy like the others and the rest.

Not until when I met him everything has change and when I wake up everyday I feel glad to know that he is always there for me to guide me and hold my hand whenever I felt so down and empty he is there standing right by my side trying to cheer me up and making me happy to forget of all the worries that stuck like a glue inside my head. He never left me all alone, he is there for me every seconds and every minute whenever I needed him nor even once he give up on me and I feel very thankful to almighty god for giving us a chances to be together.


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Evening star

Please tell him

I want to draw your rays in his heart

Morning dew

Please tell him

That i would embrace tightly

The cuff of his cold

O heavens

I want to see his smile and touch his face

Then paint the most beautiful ornaments space

and represents to him

For this letter

I wrote just for him

My one and only beloved soul

though only a rather simple

So now let me express

the whole sense of love

I have in this heart

only for him.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Peek - a - boo

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Baby is slapping her second master face, she want's to play hide-and-seek ROFL
Peek-a-boo chaaaaak!!! =D

Sleeping beauty

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Sleeping beauty do not disturb she know's i'm taking her pictures that's why she showing her cute face, she like to camwhore.. LOL

nampak macam betul aje tengah tidur tapi tak tidur pun dia pura - pura tidur adalah..

Look at that face?? she's not actually sleeping she just pretending to sleep ha..ha

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A sad love story

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Mandy and austin have been going out since 5th grade, now they are in 1st year secondary.Mandy has been thinking of breaking up with him one friday afternoon on their 2nd year of anniversary. On one night mandy and austin we're talking over the phone: (phone ringing at mandy's house)
Mandy: hello
Austin: hey baby, how is it going?
Mandy: i'm alright what about you?
Austin: pretty good, so are you still up for the movie?
Mandy: i'm sorry i cant go, i promise my little sister
that i would take her out to eat today.
Austin: oh.. that stinks!!
Mandy: austin, i'm really sorry that i cant go to the movie with you today.
Austin: it's alright, so how about tomorrow? can you go out?
or when you wanna meet up?
Mandy: i can't, so sorry coz i have to go with alyssa and her boyfriend to the mall.
Austin: you know what? it seem's like you have been avoiding me this past few days. First you can't go out to dinner with me because you have a paper due, then you can't come over because you are too tired, and today during passing periods you totally ignored me. It's okay but i just wanna tell you i have something that i wanted to give to you.
Mandy: i'm sorry austin, i'm not trying to avoid you.
Austin: you know what? just forget about it i guess i'll just talk to you later i'm going for a drive. I love you.
Mandy: i'm sorry
Austin: Oh by the way, i bet you don't even know what today is (phone hangs up).
Couple of hours back mandy came home and found a gift along with a card on the front of the doorsteps. She opens the gift and finds a beautiful necklace, then she open the cards and reads: Happy 2nd year anniversary, i love you p/s i'm sorry for the way i reacted over the phone. Mandy takes up her gift and the card up to her room and goes to sleep. 1am in the morning (phones ring at mandy's house) 

Beautiful twilight

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As the sun begins to set

I see you smile at my side

I stared unblinking eyes

To me, your eyes are so perfect

That day

I feel the pulse of your veins

Hard heart beats

Sweet breath

Also warm your love

Now I make a story about you before falling asleep

I made the shadow of longing before sleep

And I make port in dreamland

This soul, This life, This heart is missing you so much

Cause you are my most beautiful story.

Thought of the day

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Imagine you are doing something

creating something and then you find

that one day your eyes rest on it,

and you cannot believe that it was you

the one who created it!!

Imagine and re-create..

Monday, January 17, 2011

I love mac!!

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I buy new lipstick @ Mac I love this three color very much the next time I go to mac i wanna buy more lipstick and eyeliners!!

Hey, there ladies who is in love with pink try the lady gaga pink color lipsticks it's really cool.

Don't forget to check out the glamourous dark brown lipsticks it's an limited edition.

That third on the last row is light color shimmering don't missed it!! =D

Watch out the eyes!!

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kitty on the black.. yo what's up..
watch out the eyes!!
Just like mine ROFL whatever..

Till The Shiny Day Copyright © 2013 Design by Riesha Myeiszell | Till the shiny day