Another lovely place we've found here the "chocolate lounge" which located at 1 utama really love the atmosphere of this place it's very relaxing and if you are a chocolate lover come check out this place sometime!!

have a break and have a hot choco' mars mello!! he..he..

Food's all nice i love the chicken teriyaki sauce so fantabulous!!
And not to forget to all those who celebrate "tahun baru cina" gong xi fa cai may this year of the rabbit brings prosperity in our life and also good luck to all of us ya..and more money, money, money to come cause theres 15 days to collect more ang pow ha..ha..ha well chinese people believe that you must not use the ang pow right away when it given, should open the ang pow when the 15 days is over cause it bring you more money come not money goes.. hehe well is that true??
2 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
droooooooooling.....kepunan chocolate...
hehehe ya very tasty leh...
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