Reasons why I Love You:
1) I Love how first time I look at you, coz you take my breath away.
2) I Love how I thank God everyday for bringing someone as wonderful as you into my life.
3) I Love the way I hold your hand so tight
4) I Love the way you never let my hands go
5) I Love the way you surprise me with the perfect gifts after we meet up that show you pay attention to me.
6) I Love the way you look at me.
7) I Love how beautiful your eyes are.
8) I Love the way you’re not embarrassed to call me sweet things in front of anyone.
9) I Love the way, how even though we may be miles apart I still feel like you're right here with me.
10) I Love the fact that you want to be with me and only me.
11) I Love your willingness to share everything and most especially your heart with me.
12) I Love how I know you'll always be there when I need you to be.
13) I Love how you always beside me and giving me an encouragement when I have a problem
14) I Love how you would do anything in this world to make me happy.
15) I Love the way I can't imagine a day without you in my life because your heart are too good to let down.
16) I Love the way your voice sounds over the phone.
17) I Love the way your voice sounds when you whisper sweet thing in my ear.
18) I Love the way you look after I say I love you.
19) I Love the way you can make my heart melt with your soft lips
20) I Love the way you kissing.
21) I Love the smile you give after I'm done kissing you.
22) I Love the way you play with my nose when I'm falling asleep ( Wakey – Wakey )
23) I Love the way you always put ME first before your friends.
24) I Love the way you inspire me with your thoughts and emotions.
I love you so deeply,
I love you so much,
I love the sound of your voice
And the way that we touch.
I love your warm smile
And your kind, thoughtful way,
The joy that you bring
To my life every day.
I love you today
As I have from the start,
And I'll love you forever
With all of my heart.
" Thanks for the dedication sweetheart it's the most sweetest thing I've ever heard from you he..he I am amaze!!"
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