If my tooth wasn't paining I would be able to smile like this all the time but my damn toothache always attack me when the night comes before i'm getting ready to bed or when i'm enjoying my meal and because of that i'm lacks of sleep and also less of energy. Too sad this never happen to me before it only happen after i've done my whitening treatment for my teeth on the 2010 and now I have to suffer from toothache everyday. I did went to see the doctor for check up but the doctor say theres nothing wrong with my tooth, all my tooth are healthy and fine so I go back home with my happy face as I don't need to lose any of my teeth. But as day's is coming by my toothache is getting very WORST. So I decided to tell my hun that tomorrow I really need to see a dentist and asked them about what should I do to stop all this pain? should I take hammer and remove my teeth myself or what? cause I cant stand the pain anymore almost make me moody all the time.

FYI i took care of my teeth very well I brush 5 times a day just to avoid of some tooth decay well the reason I did it because I don't want to lose all my teeth at this young age hell no!! but now it's really paining and if this pain are still carry on I guess it's time to say goodbye to my wisdom tooth.

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don't worry sayang petang lepas abg meeting abg akan bawa u jumpa doctor untuk periksa gigi sayang...
thanks sayang hehe im happy now =D
adoi...sori to hear u got a toothache. Hope it's okay already now.
Thank u for concern mama kucing =D tomorrow only go to see dr. already make an appointment yesterday.
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