I'm thirsty for more I want some more...and more and more =D

It's a banana cake taste sweet , nice , and most of all delicious!!
Before we go down from the ship the chef made this cake awwhh!! back to the ship condition it's really cool but time is limited gotta go back to the hotel on time nak check out ada urusan lain lagi iaitu makan asam pedas tapi mell tak snap gambar makanan kali ni , hurmmm mell lupa nak bawa turun camera mell ughhh handbag mell tinggal kat kereta.
Never mind la kan ? pic makanan boleh snap bila - bila tapi pengalaman naik kapal bukan selalu ada HAHAHA thank's sweetheart for the best experience duduk main - main kat bridge room perasan nak jadi captain macam my hun he..he..he
OH..ya lepas makan asam pedas we all back to KL end of story =D
3 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
oohhh you hun captain kapal ya...cruise ship ke apa?
he was a captain last time he sail..now he no longer sailing cause his doing some biz.. macam - macam kapal dia belayar dulu.. to many too mentions. I will ask him he more into what ship ya =D
and kapal yang kami tgk hari tu bukan cruise ship, it's a product ship LPG carrier liquid petroleum gas.. =D
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