Here we are, ho ho ho it's time for movie!!

But wait.... hurmmm before that gotta buy ticket first now think which movie to watch?? he he he all also nice movie there's action movie, comedy and etc la la la but time is running can't think too long lah faster think what movie are we going to watch said my hun to me asking me to hurry LOL then i said how to choose all also nice if can wanna watch all this movie back to back and winks at his face ROFL then i look at the angelina jolie and johnny depp poster THE TOURIST my instinct say that movie is nice so i choose it!! and then the three of us finally decided to watch that movie, ticket is buy already everything is sudah selesai in chapter one.

The outside cafe so red LOL

another red the carpet umph' it feel's like really walking in the carpet merah ha ha ha of course just look at the color it's red liao !!

the signature bar lovely isn't??

very, very , very comfy seat
the last time i went to watch movie i did not manage to snap the picture from the inside now i finally does ha ha ha only the three of us is watching the movie awhhhhh..
movie is finish so time to go back home well wanna know how the story goes?? it's a love story plus action very entertaining and overall i rate this movie two thumbs up!! well i love johnny depp his funny and also angelina jolie she's stunning i like the hair and most of all the ending it's happily ever and after. =D
7 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
uis!!!! 3 org jak kamu dlm ni.....napa filim ni xlaku ka....
hahahaha laku lah..tapi macm ko tak tahu gold class ticket rm 80 seorang hahaha tak ramai orang tgk kat situ biasa org beli ticket rm60 ringgit punya =P kerusi yg tak boleh baring dan takde selimut tu
lagipun thurday night tak banyak orang tgk wayang unless its friday or saturday sunday...=D hahahaha
hahahaha maybe malam ni malam hanya kita aje yg watching this movie..anyway abg enjoy and happy tgk movie ni sbb nak tahu siapakan dia Alexander......
siapa alexander peirce? =D lelaki misteri ha ha ha
siapa alexander peirce semua org dah tahu...siapakah Strategic intelligence cuma org tertentu aje yang tahu =D lelaki misteri hahahaha
hahahaha tahu pun..tiada siapa yg tahu =D kan wakey wakey hun..
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