BlackBerry or Macbook ?? which one of this two thing are important?? he he I can't leave my BBM unattended cause my hun will get angry if I late reply him so i'm gonna choose BlackBerry and second Macbook cause without it my world is feel so so so not in a mood guess why?? cause I'm a gadget girl LOL and i really love the ichat's but I only ichat with "my hun" cant wait to see him again.. P/S sweetheart please take good care of yourself there in japan ya if you feel cold wear your jacket I don't want you to catch a cold in there XOXO. =D
Fish and chips sea bass is one of my favorite food but it's too much for me to finish this one ha ha I ate half of it only , perhaps not even half my lil sis take all my french fries ROFL
Creamy mushroom soup I like this the most tasty !!

Chilling at DOME
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