It’s been few days I never have a time to update my blog well first of all I’m not around me, my hun , and also sister we all went to sabah for a visit’s and I am very happy because at last I finally came back there after so long I never have a chances to visit my hometown. I met my cousin’s and also my besty mira we all have a good time there and what makes me really happy is on sharp 12’oclock before the date turn into 27 dec I organize a birthday suprise for my hun and it’s really worked out!! Ha ha ha yeah just a small party I guess at first he probably thought that I have no preparations for his B-day well, well well that’s why we called it a surprise right?
6 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
your hair is very beautiful. How I envy you..
thank you mama kucing, i wanna keep it more longer like rapunzel =D
thank you so much sayang that really make abg surprise... hadiah yg sayang berikan pada abg tu abg suka sgt. sayang since 2009 - 2010 sayang selalu bersama dgn abg celebrated birthday abg so this year sayang jgn buat surprised lagi ye nanti abg gigit sayang.....anyway thank you so much and abg will love you forever and ever muuaahhhhhh
Im glad you like it!! love you too..
tp xbez xdpt main tepung......dan xdpt dera mkn....hikhik
hahaha nanti bday mogo i dera ya..air belacan..
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