Some of you may be wondering who is my V.V.I.P guest tonight ? well, well, well it's no other than hello kitty ROFL since kitty doll just arrive to KL we all take kitty doll to Iketeru hilton japanese restoran afterall kitty doll is a japanese duh and beside she is my V.V.I.P guest for the night so I gotta treat her real nice if not kitty doll will be mad at me and she no longer wanna be friends with me he he he.

round 1. sushi this is what i like the most the wasabi i ate all the wasabi you know? but my hun warn me not to ate so much cause i am allergic to it but i'm stubborn LOL nanti bila dah turn into purple baru padam muka sendiri siapa suruh makan banyak - banyak kan? ha ha.

round 2. cawanmushi bukan mashimaro tau!! it's a steam egg custard

round 3. stingray thats what they called it

round 4. saba fish lemak berkerim ho ho ho sedap sangat ikan ni

round 5. chicken tempanyaki with terriyaki sauce

round 6. mushrooms fried rice yang ni saya punya semua la la la

round 7. mix tempura ni sedap sangat yang ni kena makan dengan tempura sauce tapi lupa nak ambik gambar sauce tu .

round 8. musk mellon macam pernah dengar kan nama ni?? bunyinya macam mars mell-o ha ha ha kebetulan kot nama seakan - akan sama dengan nama mars mell-o whatever.

mars mell-o tengah suapkan kitty doll dessert sukanya dia yaay!!

round 10. bayar bill semua sekali ni rm800 whoa ni semua hanya untuk kitty doll tau sebab dia kan guest V.V.I.P so bill dia pun kena lah V.V.I.P juga WAHAHAHAHA.
P/S kitty doll jangan lupa cakap thanks dengan my hun kalau tidak nanti kita tak nak kawan dengan kitty doll lagi ROFL duh.

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