Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New world SPA at cititel mid valley

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Last two day's ago i told my hun that my whole body all pain tired and all tak buat kerja pun penat badan dah terlalu manja sangat kot, kalau dulu jalan kaki berapa lama pun boleh now i dont know why errr..apa dah jadi ?? mungkin dah termakan vitamin M iaitu vitamin malas ahaha. Then yesterday he call me and told me to get myself ready for the next day coz he want to bring me out to massage and i was like, awwhh finally dapat juga i relaxkan badan yang dah termakan vitamin M sudah berhari - hari badan ni nak minta di massage LOL. Kat tempat ni la kitorang selalu massage antara satu tempat yang tak sakit badan kalau dah lepas massage actually tak suka sangat pergi kat area bukit bintang tu as far as i know memang banyak sangat tempat massage kat situ walaupun murah tapi kalau bertambah sakit badan ni di buat orang yang massage tu baik tak payah massage kan?? he he he. Kalau massage kat tempat ni mell akan ambik auntie NO. 62 coz auntie ni pandai sangat massage badan dan tak sakit and memang best la, happy betul hari ni sebab dapat jalan dengan my hun badan pun tak sakit - sakit lagi.

Soo relaxing can watch tv and listen to music while the masseur is doing the foot massage

pixies ni snap masa tengah urut kaki
Lepas massage badan singgah beli kasut kat mid valley at first i thought i just want to buy the black one but then two also nice so i decided to buy both nanti sampai rumah menyesal kenapa tak beli masa tu la mula garu kepala sendiri muahaha this is one of my hobby beli kasut sampai almari kasut kat rumah dah nak penuh dan tak ada space untuk letak kasut lain lagi.
I love mac it's one of the most brand i like ever since beside bobbi brown.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My lovely doraemonku yg AJAIB

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Did you notice all the coins surrounding all around doraemon ?? Ha, ni lah tabung ajaib mell setiap kali ada duit syiling mell akan bagi makan kat doraemon ni ha ha ha.. Doraemon selalunya pandai makan doriyaki aje kan?? tapi yang ni dia special sikit sebab dia tak makan semua tu yang dia tahu hanya makan syiling aje tak sangka kan walaupun doraemon ni nampak kecik tapi dia boleh telan semua syiling - syiling yang bertaburan kat atas meja ni LOL..

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tokyo B-NANA

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this is how it looks like from the inside
My hun bought this at tokyo before he came back to malaysia this is my second time having a different flavors of tokyo banana they have chocolates flavor and the yellow pack is the original banana flavor the middle one it tasted more like a japanese cake really nice i'm kinda in love with this *grins* they have many and plenty more of this but my hun only manage to buy this three kind of flavor for me his next trip to japan i want more and more and more!!

Say cheese!!

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Sit back and relax
Say cheese!!
beautiful x'mas tree isn't??
Right after finish having dinner me and kitty doll pun pergi ke Zeta bar untuk buat reservation sebab nanti nak tengok live band yeahh.

Dinner at IKeteru hilton hotel with my V.V.I.P guest

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Iketeru hilton hotel kuala lumpur

Some of you may be wondering who is my V.V.I.P guest tonight ? well, well, well it's no other than hello kitty ROFL since kitty doll just arrive to KL we all take kitty doll to Iketeru hilton japanese restoran afterall kitty doll is a japanese duh and beside she is my V.V.I.P guest for the night so I gotta treat her real nice if not kitty doll will be mad at me and she no longer wanna be friends with me he he he.

round 1. sushi this is what i like the most the wasabi i ate all the wasabi you know? but my hun warn me not to ate so much cause i am allergic to it but i'm stubborn LOL nanti bila dah turn into purple baru padam muka sendiri siapa suruh makan banyak - banyak kan? ha ha.

round 2. cawanmushi bukan mashimaro tau!! it's a steam egg custard

round 3. stingray thats what they called it

round 4. saba fish lemak berkerim ho ho ho sedap sangat ikan ni

round 5. chicken tempanyaki with terriyaki sauce

round 6. mushrooms fried rice yang ni saya punya semua la la la

round 7. mix tempura ni sedap sangat yang ni kena makan dengan tempura sauce tapi lupa nak ambik gambar sauce tu .

round 8. musk mellon macam pernah dengar kan nama ni?? bunyinya macam mars mell-o ha ha ha kebetulan kot nama seakan - akan sama dengan nama mars mell-o whatever.

round 9. green tea ice cream with red beans nice!!

mars mell-o tengah suapkan kitty doll dessert sukanya dia yaay!!

round 10. bayar bill semua sekali ni rm800 whoa ni semua hanya untuk kitty doll tau sebab dia kan guest V.V.I.P so bill dia pun kena lah V.V.I.P juga WAHAHAHAHA.

P/S kitty doll jangan lupa cakap thanks dengan my hun kalau tidak nanti kita tak nak kawan dengan kitty doll lagi ROFL duh.

Oooops.. silap lah last round kitty doll lari ke washroom sebab dah kekenyangan sangat =D

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hello kitty OH hello kitty

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Hello kitty OH, hello kitty my hun bought this for me in japan awhhh bukan yang made in thailand ataupun made in ayer hitam tu tau ha ha ha. At first thought he wouldn't be able to bought me this hello kitty doll due to his tight schedule but finally it's mine now!!

Mine..mine..mine LOL.

He also bought me this hello kitty T-shirt just for collection my hun told me that he wanted to buy me all the hello kitty stuff thingy but unfortunately time doesn't allow him to do so because he gotta check in at the airport or else he would missed his flight but it does not matter to me as long as he can come back to malaysia safe and sound is what i want most from him he he.

Arigato gozaimas sweetheart for this present =D

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Funny story

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Some year's ago there live a cat

and a mice both cat and mice,

were close friend they both play together.

But one day cat wen't to greet his

formal friend which was dog,

and dog told cat that mice are very

sweet to eat.

So cat decide to eat mice one day,

as cat make a thought that he would

kill mice and eat it.

Mice hear this secret and he

went to cat house on getting to cat house,

there is a small hole in the house

so mice dudge there,

as cat was coming he mistakenly step into

the hole and he can't come out,

he now remember that mice live inside hole.


Mars mell-o makan kuih mimpi ke apa ni..

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Mell makan kuih..?? wow sejak bila pandai beli kuih ni macam tak boleh nak percayakan ?? Yeah and i dont blame you all for not believing sebab mell ni memang seorang yang jarang makan kuih pun kalau my hun beli kadang tu makan 2 atau 3 aje actually depends juga kalau kuih tu tak sedap ughhhh guarantee 100% memang tak akan makan langsung lah jawapnya LOL. Rasa - rasanya kuih ni sedap tak?? Kalau tak sedap macam mana mell boleh makan semua jenis kuih ni kan?? Ha ha ha for your info mell tak makan kesemuanya pun sebab share dengan adik masa tu nyummy nyummy dum dum lain kali nak beli lagi la ho ho ho =D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

ESPRIT I bought this for myself

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I use to love this brand so much last time a long long time ago in a far far away land ha ha, but now since I had change into other brand, so I bought only 1 simple T-shirt for me and hairband it's cute yaay..!!!

At the curve damansara just now

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Since i'm already done buying all the thing's that I wanted to buy we decided to stop by at the nyonya colors and then I order this yummy asam laksa it's so delicious must try it some time!
Shhhh there are some pic's i can't attached here it's secret he he not the time yet.. =P
I bought a puzzle for my lil sis it glow in the dark whoa..
Just like in wonderland or maybe dreamland ooooooppssy!!! =D

Lunch at dome with little sis

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BlackBerry or Macbook ?? which one of this two thing are important?? he he I can't leave my BBM unattended cause my hun will get angry if I late reply him so i'm gonna choose BlackBerry and second Macbook cause without it my world is feel so so so not in a mood guess why?? cause I'm a gadget girl LOL and i really love the ichat's but I only ichat with "my hun" cant wait to see him again.. P/S sweetheart please take good care of yourself there in japan ya if you feel cold wear your jacket I don't want you to catch a cold in there XOXO. =D
Fish and chips sea bass is one of my favorite food but it's too much for me to finish this one ha ha I ate half of it only , perhaps not even half my lil sis take all my french fries ROFL
Creamy mushroom soup I like this the most tasty !!
Chilling at DOME

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Here come RAPUNZEL!!

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After watching harry potter we continues to watch another movies guess what movie it is? No other than RAPUNZEL in 3D version.. Awhhh, I like this story so much ever-since I was a kid I read their story books and I'm a fairytale story NO.1 fans LOL

It's a big big bear he he "xoxo"

This is me giving mr.teddy a warm X"MAS huggy huggy goo goo ha ha ha infact I have a huge teddy like this at my bedrooms's a secret don't tell anyone. *grins*

It's chillaxing time

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Harry potter yaaaay!!!

Gold class for me and my hun we usually came here at weekends

It's chillaxing time....a smile for my hun.......=P

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tak suka..Tak suka..TAK SUKA

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1.) Tak suka pada orang yang ego dan hanya pentingkan diri sendiri.
2.) Tak suka pada orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab.

3.) Tak suka pada orang yang suka mengambil kesempatan.

4.) Tak suka pada orang yang suka memperkecilkan diri orang lain dan mereka ingat diri mereka adalah yang
terbaik sekali di dunia.

5.) Tak suka pada orang yang kuat menipu dan yang paling tak suka sekali bila kena tipu dan tertipu.
6.) Tak suka pada orang yang tak fikir pasal masa depan dan masa yang akan datang.

7.) Tak suka pada orang yang suka membuang masa kerana masa itu amat berharga bagi saya.

8.) Tak suka pada orang yang suka sangat mempermain – mainkan perasaan orang lain.

9.) Tak suka pada orang yang suka buat sesuatu ikut suka hati dia jer
dia dah sakitkan hati orang lain sekalipun lantaklah dia peduli apa bukan? yang sakit hati bukan diri dia so what..?

10.) Tak suka pada orang yang bertopeng – topeng macam yang kat cerita
THE MASK tu kejap boleh jadi macam ni dan kejap lagi boleh jadi macam tu pendekkan cerita seseorang yang suka menyamar yang lelaki jadi perempuan dan yang perempuan pulak jadi lelaki diorang ni gay ke apa? Itu kalau dipendekkan semua cerita macam tu lah kisahnya sebab tak suka cerita panjang – panjang memang begitu panjang ceritanya kenapa saya tak suka, tak suka, dan tak suka? kalau saya tulis kat sini pun sampai bila – bila tak akan habis memang tiada “ending” yang tepat dan sesuai sebab itu saya tak suka.
11.) Tak suka apabila orang buat saya marah sebab bila saya dah marah saya boleh jadi macam hulk yang bertukar kaler menjadi hijau tu, tapi cara saya transform berbeza dan lain sikit jadi merah, ungu, biru, kuning pun tidak cuma bila tangan saya melekat kat pipi seseorang sampai tiga hari pun akan terasa sakitnya

12.) Tak suka pada orang yang
gediks ataupun miang dan juga over – reacted yang perasan cantik dan juga handsome no offends tapi saya lebih suka bila seseorang itu merendah diri, murah hati dan tak sombong. 

13.) SO jangan buat perkara yang orang tak suka bukan hanya saya seorang yang tak suka kerana apa yang saya tak suka mungkin orang lain pun tak akan suka bila seseorang buat benda yang mereka tak suka.
14.) TAK SUKA , TAK SUKA , TAK SUKA pada orang yang tiada pendirian.

My NO- goes

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Those day I use to be a "lepak queen" for most of my time usually I spend with all my friends but now it was different when time changes people are sometime often changes too cause now I prefer myself to stay in spending time with my little sis rather than go wasting my time wandering outside.

I'm a friendly type of person I’m a friend to everyone but that doesn’t mean I’m everyone’s friend right? cause now it was different I make friend only with a selection people to those whom I can trust and I can really called a “true friend” not a “maskwearer” who only using me for their own benefits and take advantage on my kindness and good nature they never truly been there for me as a friend or someone who cares even though there is nothing that they can do but at least try to show a little compassion for it will mean more than anything else but sadly they appear to me only when they needed my help or when they want something from me ie: borrow money.

Common I’m not an ATM machine and I’m not a rich person as well and the money I have doesn’t dropped down from the sky, what makes me pissed is they know how to come to us and then lend from us “tapi masa nak bayar tu susah sangat nak detect diorang ni kat mana call HP tak dapat , SMS tak reply tanya kawan lain kata kawan tak tau itu hal bukan saya punya so tak mau masuk campur kalau pinjam rm200 it’s fine dia tak bayar pun takpe tapi kalau dah sampai rm20,000 siapa yang tak marah kan..? Although I know that I don’t have much for myself but I still try to help them people by giving what I can only afford to give because that’s what friends are for right? helping each other “ tak baik kedekut-kedekut”.

But when it come to paying back time they give you a thousand excuses or millions reasons just to avoid themsleves from you for instance they will tell you this OH.. I'm sorry I cant pay you now cause I don’t have anything left in my wallets la -la -la blah blah and all those nonsense and unacceptable reasons and lies padahal baru lepas shopping sakan semalam are those people qualified to called a friend? cause to me it is better to have none than to have a millions but none of them are true to us.

As I always taught this to myself almost everyday ever-since I was still a kid that even how good we are sometime it's still wasn’t enough to proved that we are a good people in their eyes. For many of these people they just never had enough no matter how you try to please them with this and that and all but still they will ask for more “like a pepsi for more iklan jap”.

I use to treat everyone nicely even to those who ill-treated me I will still treat them in a kindest way. I treat everybody equally with manners and also respect that they deserve I’ll never talk behind at others back “itu bukan perangai saya way to happen!!”. It’s not who i am I don’t like backstabbing others there is much more useful things I could do with myself to occupied my time rather than wasting all my energy and time by interfering others people private life.

“Lagipun aku bukan seorang yang sentiasa free untuk buat semua tu masalah diri sendiri pun tak habis - habis datang menyerang macam peluru berpandu jika di teruskan langkah ke depan ada pulak musuh yang menghadang dan mahu lari kemanapun seolah - olah aku tak bisa apatah lagi jaga tepi kain orang lain kan?”

Well first of all I’m not a pretenders and I really don’t know how to act in front of people maybe it is because I don’t fake my feelings that’s why and second thing is I hate pretenders so damn much seriously, “ aku lebih rela di hina dan di keji depan mata daripada di puji masa berhadapan tapi bila dah pandang belakang lain jadinya sungguh menyedihkan bila berada dalam situasi sebegini” bab kata pepatah orang dulu – dulu jangan kerana mulut badan binasa "dik'' so fikir lah dulu sebelum berbicara. Try using your head to think not your blardy knees and make yourself useful what's the point of having a brain if you don't know how to use it for the good sake? better be mere animals with no mind at all.

Some say a words that makes people happy but there are time they say those words that hurt our innocent feelings quite least they offended us. They thought it’s funny for them and they think it is just a joke cause they never think first before they speak what they are doing is actually wrong. Silence is golden but there is a limit on being patient so never play with a fire because it may burn your own selves there is no such paper could wrap a fire.

" Be my friend or Be my enemy the choices is YOURS "

my no –goes :

“Kalau cakap sampai mulut terkoyak sekalipun kalau orang tu rasa diri mereka ni betul takde maknanya lebih baik on laptop masuk blog and tulis kat blog apa yang kita rasa berbaloi juga sekurang – kurangnya ada juga yang baca dan faham perasaan kita”.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Everyday in my life

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Every morning as I wake up from sleep I open my eyes and take a deep breathe and close my eyes again and open wide the first thing that i would do is feel grateful and thankful to god for what I have yesterday is a great things to keep in memory and to remember that whenever I felt down and alone all I have to do is re-called back every wonderful moment’s in my life and taught myself that if I fall i will not stumble I must held high and stay strong to keep my two feet back on the ground and never ever give up though at times life’s not always smoothe, I make a wish and whisper it inside my heart that hopefully in every ways and every day in my life will always begin with a smile and remain wonderful like a sunshine’s and colorful as the rainbow.

Every morning as I get up from the bed I’ll walked to the balcony I open the window and looked at the skies then realize one thing about how
magnificent and beautiful is the world if all people are start living their lives with a little smile and peacefully not fighting and insulting, not hurting and judging one another by their own standards and then they start telling everyone that the world is a darkest place, try imagined all this? was there anything wrong to live the life we want with no wars only peace because everyone is deserved to live happily without nothing to worry.

Every morning as I’ve done taking my bath I would think of what to wear, grab the hairdryer and dry my hair and dress myself with lovely and fancy dresses I have and looked into the mirrors and say's the girl I saw in the mirror she is now grown up she must be matured and have self-confidence to think positives and that she must love herself and feel good about what she have and always believe in herself that she will be great someday and always remember to keep in mind that nobody’s perfect everything has it’s own defect.

Every morning as I finish cleaning up everything I take a cuppa’ coffee and slowly reached my hand onto my blackberry and scroll to the inbox and smile with full of joy while reading a lovely messages written so dearly and then scroll down the keypad and look at the senders name showing on the screen and smile at once that every morning messages and all those wishful greeting’s I received mostly are sent by him from my dearest soul the love of my life and feel so much happy that every morning I waked up I think of him and expect for a nothing else in returned than knowing that every morning he wake's up his thinking of me too whenever and everytime I think of him.

What most important of all that every morning and day in my life is shiny and bright!!

Dear Dream Angel

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Some actually believes that if we love's someone we've first must learn to let them go cause if they comes back to us it means we finally found a true love. So do we try to catch it with all our forced then grab them close into the very next of our heart and never let go.

Because some say’s true love and happiness only comes once a lifetime and that’s why we’ll must treasure each wonderful moments and every minute and beat of time we have while we’re all are still alive It happened that at times we became one of those victims of the circumstances and when this happens to ourselves we start blaming the world about how unfair life's are sometimes can be, does anyone asked for a life which like living in hell?

No, coz there is nobody who would wanted to live their lives unhappily unless there is someone else who ditch yourself into the unhappiness situation. Those people out there are sometimes crazy and also brutal and they don’t have a heart some only think of their feelings and themselves.

I guess we’re all are just too naïve even if we are already a grown people but there’s still some piece of innocent part living inside us. My life has never been easy on me and my faith is once had lost long long time ago but I tell myself that this are only a beginning coz I’ll do anything to fight for my life and if I stick to my courage and principles somehow I know that my life path would change more better and much more brighter than yesterday.

We all can wish about so many things in these life but we still have to take action for something that we dream and wish to have and so we must go and strive for it!! There are time’s we keep falling and that we keep trying to stand up but then at the second time we fall again and try to get back on the ground and hold still and “ till then it’s the same story again told from time to time and at the end we’ve might win only time will tell” and until we get old or so die is also the same only time could ever tell what is going to happen next.

As for now I’m happy to say that I’ve finally found my real and true love, mylife has totally change after leaving the pass and everything back all behind the grudges that I’ve kept for so long inside me, I’d threw it all away and let go all anger and the heavy burden that for so long I've carried with me and so now It's time for me to wash It all away, far away.

For I still believe that everyone is deserve to have a second chances to change and to fixed their lives for it's better and not for it's worst..

“For the LOVE of my LIFE.. I would never give up for it is LIFE..”

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


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Just listen to your heart
you'll find a place
In your heart for me
where I am existed to you
we're you'll may see the real me
There we're you waiting
for something to happen
a miracle..(a miracle)

How does it felt's to you
when once in your lifetime
a miracle happens within
yourlife for what you had been
wishing for everything has seem’s
all come true..

Oh, look far and take a step's
ahead grab all the chances
you have then make things happen
And when you're feelin' lonesome
Think that I’m with you..(I'm with you)

For every step's
you take always remember
that when you think of me
I'm thinking of you too

Oh, together we change
what has broken
to glow once more
ohh, once again
let's make It shine..(make It shine)

As you waiting for me
there I am waiting for you too,
take each step and every little step
that will takes me closer to you
Will we ever gonna get this through?

For me..
For you..?
For YOU and I
and for us to stay close always
Oh, always..
Together we change
what has broken
to glow once more
ohh, once again
Let's make It shine
Do we ever gonna make this dreams
come true? It's a miracle..(It's a miracle)

ZJ All rights reserved 09'
"song of my heart"
when words fail music speak


Till The Shiny Day Copyright © 2013 Design by Riesha Myeiszell | Till the shiny day