Header for you rose johari hope you like it!!!
You can replace your header to this if you like it, grab it!!
Kalau tak sesuai dengan size blog rose boleh resize dulu width 920x300
or up to rose nak buat macam mana kat teddy bear header ni.. =P
11 ✿Have something to say? ✿:
eiiii , comel nye teddy tuuuuuu :)
really? thanks yana =D
sape yang buat header nie??chantek!!!
OMG! Header ni utk rose ke? serius? hehehe... comel! comel lah header teddy bear tuh...hehe... mello buat sendiri ke ni? Thanx mello... rose amek k? hehehe =)
Rose Johari: yup mello buat sendiri , oleh kerana rose suka bertweeet mello dah buat tempat tweet yg nampak kat header tu, nnt rose cari tuto yg ajar nak letak tweet kat header blog rose =P .
oh really? hihihi..ok2...thanx!
rose johari: your welcome rose hehehe
thanks for viewing my blog.. already visit n follow u =)
comelnya!! :)
thanks hehe all..
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