Do love complete the incompleteness? Yes.. love do completed the incompleteness although sometime it may also hurted one's feeling's and broken someones heart for instance when there is a situation arise and when the relationship gone bad.Just like season's changes from summer to winter, rainy and cold and so on that's how it works love will makes a person complete and whole again when there is love. But when love is gone thus when it's slipped from your hand just like a quick-silver it's not the end of everything cause you still have life to carry on,with life you still could heal your heart. By time it heal love will grow's again inside's you and it always continues as long as you'll don’t lose your faith.
Remember one thing never give up on someones so easily and most important of all is you must learned how to faced-up the reality. I’m sure in some place there is “soul-mate”when both partner meet you think you already have an ideal relationship after your first meeting you only have to be a good lover to be attentive understanding and tender to make your partner happy with trust and share it with all your passion you can be together.
Who know’s someday and somehow when love come back you'll find yourself someone you could share imperfection and incompleteness.
In life everything you need to realize your dreams is right inside you it’s inside us there is nothing wrong to dream for dream is harmless and it is reality.
Just live your dreams today and make beautiful things happen cause when we trust ourselves enough great thing’s will begin to unfold the palm of our hands.
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