Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What does life mean to you

It's not easy to survive in this world without knowing anything know nothing is just like a piece of loft with empty thoughts. Though if we know even more but we done nothing for a good deeds life doesn't mean anything at all. Not everyone is lucky not everyone's life, are great some are lucky that born to have a wealthy family they have given a good oppurtunity to live happily.

Their life's are filled with valuable things and luxury but not everyone's life is lucky some of them are suffering their life some are doing the illegal things and followed the wrong way to support their livings. Some are innocent who show their flesh to others to support their poor suspended family they actually innocent if they get some help they wont do it again everything nothing except love. Showing their flesh not a divine thing unless share it with the one they love in a legal way but some of those lucky one never appreciated what they have in life until when they wake up the next day everything has gone. If we're lucky enough to do well we may make it today would be better than yesterday.

If i only had a little humility I be perfect but i am not aren't we? cause to me "Nothing is perfect everything has its own defect." We would never know what we were looking for until we itself go and look for it!!

My word of wisdom I don’t mean any offend I’m just sharing some thought..

VOICES in my head

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I’ve the answer to my silence we can't stop some people from hating and talking behind us even we itself couldn't stop our own selves from making a mistakes and hating one another but why must we follow what others do right?

”Because we don’t eat what we shit and we will never shit on where we eat”

Today, I realised that keeping silence doesn’t mean we are a loser it’s our patient make us and ones person to act that way and i do believe of what most people always say that silence is golden silence doesn’t mean we are a coward or afraid it is our patient makes one person to think twice before doing and avoid from thinking of the negative thoughts in our head.

An old saying said; Don’t judge a book by its cover nobody is perfect everything has its own defect.''

One of my favorite uplifting words that keeps my spirits alive cause we would never know how it feels like when we misjudge a person until when a person misjudge ourselves only then we’ll realized the feelings of being misjudge when we get misjudge by a person in returns. Just look at our both hand look at its color there is black and white and even our fingers it's not the same tall and same size the same goes to human that is “us” we all have different thought different way of thinking and purposed in our life.

Why do we waste time and energy and point at others weaknesses? why don’t we take the time and look at our own weaknesses? why do we judge people before knowing them? we cannot transform who they are, it is better to look at our own weaknesses and correct them. People can say anything but does they know about what we’ve been through? they will never know even our own family does they really know and understand our feeling? When we are in pain or somehow does they care to asked about how are we doing sometimes were just forgotten and sometimes we feel like were just left behind.

Because no ones really know what hearts truely felt and so people can only say i been there before and i know what you been through but what can they do to help us and ease our pain? The only thing they can tell you is one words "kesian or pity you" and it's really pissing off and frustrating cause theres nothing they can do to lift up our spirits.

SOME PEOPLE OUT THERE CAN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT US and they would wrecked you if you let them would you let them to wrecked you down? because i will never give any single chances for them to wrecked me.

ENOUGH is ENOUGH cause when you hit i smack back and it will be a pain in the ass when you'll get upsets and annoyed. WHY BOTHER ABOUT WHAT PEOPLE DO? Because i'm not gonna praised you or give compliments on you, it's really disturbing and overwhelming i cant help it than just listen to what the voices in my head saying to me do i really hear a voices..?

" I asked them to do like that they are so active, That's why I asked them to eat like that otherwise they won't.. "


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